Saturday 28 November 2009

Talking about a Churchillian way of life

I was lucky enough to spend 7 weeks in the study centre at Churchill. Its a fair bit outside the metropolis of Churchill itself which is a point of concern for many people. But for me that just outlined and emphasised the uniqueness of the place. It could drive you crazy. It could make people insane. And you certainly have to be prepared to occupy yourself...

So. We drew on the menu board. We talked to each other on Facebook in spite of the fact that we were sitting 2 feet away from each other. We put the menu up in a different language every meal time. We went into town to eat and visit with Heather, the volunteer co-ordinator. We cooked and baked and ate and drank Kokanee. We played pool and darts (Badly. Oh so badly..) And when festivities like Thanksgiving and Halloween came around we threw ourselves into making them special and memorable.

And special they were. Much fun was had. But its not just the occasions that made my time at the CNSC so great. It was the people. Holly and Steve and Inge, my fantastic fellow volunteers with whom I groaned about the dishwashing levels and who kept me grounded and positive. We formed a system that meant that no one was ever off duty- everyone just pitched in and helped and then we all got to go and play. And the others who lived there- Avril, who has a steadfastness that I've never encountered before in someone at age 21. Sara, certainly one of my favourite people at the study centre, with her quirkiness and her wisdom. Kat, who just made us laugh and has a sweetness and specialness all of her own. Adam, who is the happiest and most upbeat person I ever met. Carly akd Basler aka Baz, who has a big laugh and a bigger heart. Rob and Audrey, the wonderful cooks and two special people who make the kitchen the best place to work. These were the people with whom I lived and worked and played, although there were many awesome others who came and went during the day (Mike, Kim, LeAnn,Cliff, Christina and Devon to mention only a few). It was because of these people that I found camaraderie and friendship and fun. They became like my family and I am proud to count them among my friends, even if only for a brief time.

And it was them who made it so hard to leave....

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