Thursday 26 November 2009

We're the Kids in America!! (in the words of Kim Wilde...)

Well let me just say that there won't be any photos attached to this blog entry or the next few that follow it. The reason? Well of course I'm behind with it!! And I've deleted the photos off the camera! Shocking I know! I'm usually so diligent in keeping this thing up to date...ahem...

Anyway!! I left NYC. I left on the bus. I left with a smile on my face at the thought of seeing a new place. And I left with a small pain in my heart because I was leaving a city and friends that I love and have come to treasure.

But onwards! Join me on the bus to Philadelphia! Join me as I travel for a mere 4 hours down the East coast of Sister America. Join me as I alight from the bus and get called a cracker and told to fuck off by one of the lovely residents of Philly...hold on...

So after that wonderful welcome I hitched up my back pack and set off for the hostel. According to the map it was a few short minutes walk away from the bus station. Note: NEVER BELIEVE THE MAP!! After 20 minutes walking with all my stuff in 95 degree heat, this truth penetrated my ever so thick skull and I hopped on the bus. This saved me from arriving at the hostel looking like a greasy spot on the pavement. Instead I arrvived looking like I had just stepped oot the shower..

Ach well. I loved Philly. It's just steeped in history. Independence Hall was the big moment for me. They have live reenactments and movies of the War of Independence. Allow me to be stupid just for a moment and tell you: I never realised that this war was to get away from British rule!! I was shocked to discover that the enemy they kept talking about was me!! (Well ok not me personally but you know what I mean..) After this breathtaking revelation I toured the hall where the Declaration of Independence was signed- not on the 4th of July as they would have you believe, actually on the 4th of August!- and then took the bus to Betsy Ross' house. This lady was the person who sewed the very first Stars and Stripes and did so at great risk. Had she been caught she would have been viewed as a traitor and almost certainly killed...

Philly is also where the gawjus Cynthia (whom I met in Tanzania) lives and we did get the chance to catch up. We had a lovely hike for a few hours by the river where George Washington crossed beng chased by the British. We went for lunch and for ice cream. And we talked. And talked. And talked! Well, it has been months since we saw each other last! Cynthia has been one busy lady and has set up her own NGO to assist mothers and children in Tanzania. She refused to take credit for it but I know that it is her hard work and perseverance not to mention her money, that has gotten this project off the ground.

And so away from Philly and on to Boston on the train. I didn't get the chance to stay long in Boston. I had high expectations of this city. And I have to confess I was a teensy bit disappointed...maybe I just didnt stay for long enough but I never got the Boston thing. I was staying in a wonderful YMCA where I was able to run every day in the gyn and swim in their great pool. But the highlight for me was getting to the "Cheers" bar and having a few pints of Sam Adams Red. I drank it and recalled the many Friday nights that my brother and sister and I fought over the best space to see the tiny TV in the kitchen so that we could watch Cheers....ahhhh nostalgia. And meeting 2 lovely older ladies in the bar who were just desperate to chat and very nice it was too. I must not forget the Freedom Trail which was long and hot but definitely worth it. I would recommend the audio tour with it- its subtly more interesting.

And so to my favourite place in the US- Phoenix!! Only my favourite place cos the lovely Chelse and Ivan are there and I was able to stay with them. We cooked and ate out and drank and played Wii and talked and hung out. I had a great time with them as I always do and I was priviledged to be involved in the plans for their wedding next year. Chelsea and I hiked in the White Tank Mountains and experienced the dry desert heat- followed by beer and lying by the pool at their apartment.

But all too soon the time had come to leave. I hopped back on the bus and headed for Vegas, baby! Chelsea and Ivan got engaged here so I was looking forward to seeing the hotel in which this momentous occasion took place! And see it I did. The best thing about Vegas was the hotels. I have to say that so much effort and time and money is put into these places and they are beautiful. You never have to leave your hotel if you dont want to. You have casinos and restaurants and shops and bars right inside the hotel. I'm not a gambler so I didn't spend much time in the casinos and I was doing in on the cheap (staying in a hostel!) but I was still impressed and a little overwhelmed and amused by all the lavishness surrounding me.

Back on the bus! And the train! For some reason Amtrak does not run through Vegas so you have to do bus-train-bus- to the streets of San Francisco. This was not my favourite city in the States- NYC will forever hold that title! But it was fun! The bar just down the street from my hostel was Maxi's and had some of the most entertaining characters that I've ever met! And that was just the wait staff! :-)

So I went to Alcatraz and I cycled the Golden Gate Bridge, braving the cold and the fog. And I visited the art museums and hung out at film locations and visited lovely Sausilito. And I enjoyed, enjoyed, enjoyed.

Getting out of San Fran was a little trickier since I had booked with Delta (there was my mistake right there!) and of course the flight was cancelled. But they did have to put me up in the swanky Hilton Hotel in Oakland and feed me so that was fine with me. But the next day when they got me as far as Salt Lake City and then tried it again..oh no. This was my last legal day in the US. I was determined to get the hell out!!

And out I got. It took flirting and sexual favours but hey. I didn't have any money.

And so to Canada.....

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