Saturday 22 March 2008

ugali ugali ugali

Ok I lied just time for a very quick post on the blog. See email for ugali references!!

Things to remember:

African sunrise and sunset.
Being helped off the dala dala last week by Oomba, a Masai gentleman who insisted on walking home with me! No language between the two of us but still managed to communicate.
the maize- its every where and whispers constantly.
Laughs and jokes with the family during the week- so warm and welcoming and loving- they want me to stay forever.
The fact that one of my Primary 5 pupils finally was able to say what his name was and how old he is- I nearly burst with pride!!

Off to Zanzibar on Monday- no hotel booked as yet but what the hell, I'll just turn up!

Missing home on occasion but managing to enjoy anyway. Only 4 weeks left till moving on to Nairobi- doesn't time fly when you're having fun!!

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