Sunday 26 April 2009

Cape Reinga

One of the places that I wnated to visit most in New Zealand was Cape Reinga. Its not quite the most northerly point but it is one of the most important. Cape Reinga is where the Maori believe that the departed souls of the dead begin their journey to the underworld. It goes something like this....

When the soul is sentinent enough to realise that it may be departed, it makes its way to Cape Reinga. On the mountainside there are 2 springs. To drink from one means going onward to the next world. To take from the other means going back to humanity. The spirit must choose and decide which way to go. If they decide they wish to go to the next world, they must drink and then make their way down the path to where the oceans collide. Then they must find the tree on the cliffside. This tree is sacred and only Maoris may go anywhere near it. The roots form rough steps and the soul must make its way down them and be precariously balanced over the rough sea. Then with a great leap and joyousness of spirit, the soul begins its long and arduous journey to the next world.....

The Creation of New Zealand

One day the great Maori warrior, Maui, was out fishing in his waka (canoe) when he caught a giant fish. It thrashed and tried desparately to escape but Maui was strong and hung on, knowing that the fish could feed his family for a long time. But their strength was equally matched and neither could win. The battel went on for so long that they turned into stone. Maui's waka became the South Island of NZ, the anchor for his waka becam Stewart Island and the fish became the North Island. The places where the fish had struggled and beaten Maui with its tail became the mountains and volcanoes of the South Island, which is why its so rugged and mountainous.

Saturday 4 April 2009

Being in New Zealand

Things I like about being in New Zealand:

Being able to walk around at midday in a T shirt. Even though its officially winter.
Being able to look up at midnight and see the stars- and sometimes the Milky Way- without any pollution from lights or other electricity sources.
Being able to smile and say hello to strangers and not have them think that you are crazy/perv/maddo/strange.
Being able to drive for 8 hours and see only 10 cars.
Being able to stop and get out and walk around and be in the country side even though you are on the State Highway- because they are all in the mountains and country side.
Being able to feed the ducks.
Being able to walk sown any street at midnight and not fear for your life/wallet/virginity (ahem!)
Being able to stare into space with your thoughts and not have the locals think you are crazy/perv/maddo/strange.
Being able to be in the rainforest but still admire the awesome glacier- because the live companionably side by side.
Being able to find serviced petrol stations. And occasionally a serviced grocery store (I kid you not!)

Actually....just being.